Welcome to online Cad estimation a feature rich online program that works
across all platforms and automates the design and estimating process.
Our new online Structured Cabling Design and
Estimation software
now has take off and many other new and great features. 3D Cabling Design
software from CAD Estimation
is a revolutionary online program for network design which
enables automation of all of Network cabling designing within an integral
system. The 3D Cabling Design can be used to design LANs - Phone - TV - Surveillance - Fire and Burglar alarm systems - Access Control Systems - Fiber Optic networks.
With our extensive database of components and equipment which is updated regularly and over 20 reports here are a few more benefits of the software. These features help you to control the assembly and automatic connection of all project details incorporating vendor technological features. Our technology permits visual development of projects rapidly and generates report documentation automatically.
Network cabling process output:
* Architectural plan(s) with designed components layout
* Network cabling specification
* Extended cable log-book
* Bill of materials
* Estimation of costs
* Cable register
Our Web based Network Design Tool that
automatically calculates the lengths of cables, conduits, trays, trunks,
pipes etc. as well as it auto-generates the Rack Diagram, Wiring Log
Book, 3D view, Bill of Materials and Specification with project costs.
You don’t have to manually do cost estimations any longer.
web based software will will auto place the data jacks and raceways to
the Wiring Closet (Cabinet, Rack) and Auto label (tag) outlets, cables
and ports and get you a price for your bids in 5 minutes.
placement of outlets, Cables Auto Routing, Auto Labeling (Tagging),
Length calculation with account of cable slack, 3D view, Bill of
Materials, Cable Schedule, Cabinet/Rack, Equipment Schedule, Cost
Estimation, Cabinet Rack Diagram, Project Diagram, Fire Optical Diagram.
Types of Networks which can be designedLocal Area Networks (LAN) | Fiber Optic Lines | Telephone | Video Surveillance |Security and Fire alarms |Access Control System |Data Centers.
Bill of Materials | Cabinet and Rack View | project in 3D view | 3D print model | Cables and Pathways | Wiring Log book | Auto labeling.
Design cabling projects really fast and get calculations and reports immediately, a feature rich online program that works across all platforms and automates the design and estimating process.
five minutes you can get all the data you need for your bid. Just
import your drawing and and start by dropping a scale at the top over
any measurement you know.
Click and
drop your data jack or outlets on the drawing, just double click after
the first, then turn left and right as needed on the imported drawing.
Draw your route the blue line for the main trunk, you can add legs to the route down hallways and across rooms.
on the Rack and drop into the location you need, click on the “A” to
auto connect all the data and voice jacks back to the rack through the
Then you have a 3D view of your structured cabling or other installation. You can flip and zoom this and three or four views.
the BOM (Bill of Materials) add prices for the items if not already
added and you have the project cost of material. You can export into
excel with all the reports and you can add more jacks or items needed
and it will auto update.
We are adding more items to the materials each month and we will add any products for you that you may need.
can double click on the RED rack on the drawing and build your racks by
adding switches and patch panels etc. These are auto added to the BOM
list as you build. In this section you can work with your rack equipment
and use the auto patching for your patching schedule along with setting
up your labeling for the project, which you can then export into excel
for printing with our web based labeling software.
new online Structured Cabling Design and Estimation software with many
other new and great features. 3D Cabling Design software from CAD
Estimation is a revolutionary online program for network design which
enables automation of all of Network cabling designing within an
integral system.
Advanced 3D view with equipment and furniture
Auto placements of outlets and cables and auto calculations
Auto BOM and Cost Estimation
Products Library (electrical and building materials)
our extensive database of components and equipment which is updated
regularly and over 20 reports here are a few more benefits of the
These features help you to
control the assembly and automatic connection of all project details
incorporating vendor technological features. Our technology permits
visual development of projects rapidly and generates report
documentation automatically.
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